Vision & Values

Our Vision is of pan-European sustainable, green, efficient high-quality customer-focused public transport services.

Our objective is to secure policy objectives which enable efficient operation and where quality and passenger satisfaction are rewarded, and which support green investment. These will facilitate delivery of attractive public transport services as the core of European mobility, in urban areas, rural regions and in between. We believe there is a strong need for legislative and policy action to encourage and deliver modal shift away from individual private vehicles, in order to realise the societal, economic and environmental benefits that greener public transport can generate.

We believe that a fair and non-discriminatory approach to market operation and structure is essential for public transport services to function efficiently and to provide the services communities need. This should be delivered through open tendering or through markets where regulation is limited to quality standards. Open competitive markets and opportunities for complementary commercial operations stimulate quality and innovation and EPTO supports their introduction across Europe and across all modes.

EPTO provides a collective voice for independent public transport operators and has strong links with the European Commission including DGMOVE and DGCOMP, and with other industry representative bodies. EPTO also engages in dialogue with the Council and Committee for the Regions and contributes to EU working groups, committees and consultations.